Sunday, May 10, 2015

Wrapping up Genius Hour..

Although Genius hour was a great experience I'm so glad it is over. I had a lot of trouble with this project, more than I expected. 

My favorite part of this journey was learning about it. Everyone usually thinks learning is boring (which it is) but when your really interested in something and committed you will do whatever it takes to accomplish it and have fun doing it. The most interesting thing I learned was sewing. I didn't know anything before so learning more about it was really fun even though I failed a lot.

The least favorite part of this journey was blogging about it. It's not that I didn't like it it's just that I always forget at the last minute. The least favorite thing I learned was measurements because it involved a lot of math. 

Overall I found out that I'm a fast learner and I can do anything I put my mind to. I worked really hard on these project a o feel as if it paid off. Thanks to everyone who viewed my blog. Here is the final product: ( if your wondering why it's blue it's because I ran out of red fabric and I only had blue left so I decided to use blue.)